Support to farmers
ORCA provides advisory support to agricultural producers for achieving high farm animal welfare standards. We do that by evaluating the state of existing capacities, conducting trainings, working with producers individually, organizing study visits.
High farm animal welfare standards represent the key precondition for achieving better placement of products originating from animals; in other words creating economically positive and ecologically acceptable agricultural production that should to be the basis of rural development.
Healthy, safe and food of good quality depends on ways of keeping animals, veterinary care and animal diet. Meat, milk and eggs produced in systems that meet the high standards in animal welfare provide high quality and safety of food products.
“Constantly increasing number of European consumers are worried about the welfare of animals that provide meat, eggs and dairy products. This brought to development of clear rules related to keeping, transport and slaughter of poultry, pigs and cattle. Rules are being constantly improved, in accordance to new scientific discoveries.’’ (From Farm to Fork, EU, DG SANCO, jul 2004.)
According to Eurobarometer research (2006), over 50% of consumers in EU would pay more for products that meet high standards of animal welfare, while in Serbia that percentage is 30% (Strategic Marketing, 2010)
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