Second institutional grant in the frame of the REC’s “Environmental Civil Society Support Programme for Serbia (CSOnnect)”, is implemented by the consortium of 12 organisations led by Organisation for Respect and Care of Animals – ORCA. Institutional grant contributes to empowering civil society organisations (CSOs) to participate in environmental policy development and decision making actively, effectively and in a gender-sensitive manner; to play an active role in Serbia’s EU accession process; and to monitor and evaluate environmental project implementation at local, regional and national level. Total of 11 consortia have received institutional grants in the frame of this programme.
Thanks to the activities of the first institutional grant, we have strengthened capacities of ORCA and partners, but also other organisations outside our network for advocacy and organisational development. Members of the network have participated in public debates and environmental impact assessments, conducted initiatives to form local action groups (LAGs), initiated dialogues between stakeholders, promoted active participation and engagement of citizens and civil sector.
The goal of the second institutional grant is to continue increasing sustainability level of ORCA and partner organisations and special attention will be put on strengthening base of supporters of ORCA’s and partners work as well as strengthening organisational capacities for communication with base of supporters through social media. We will have clear EU focus and will monitor the EU accession process in relation to Chapter 27 and especially nature protection. Our network will actively engage in decision-making process, advocating for sustainable policies in area of environmental protection with special focus on topics related to nature protection in agriculture, adopting the Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats and improvement of the Environmental Impact Assessment legislation in Serbia. We will respect principles of gender equality throughout the entire project.
Our project partners and consortium members are: Ecological movement „Frame of Life“, Association „HаbiProt“, Ecological Association Dragacevo, Citizens Association „Luznicki Trgonji“, Citizens Association „Forum for sustainable development“, Association for the development of organic production „Biobalkan“, Mountaneering Association „Ostra cuka“, Youth Association – Sokobanja „UM“, Association for the protection, rearing and study of animals „ZooPlanet“, Agro-turistic-ecological Association „Za Jelasnicu“, Association Rural Centre „Sova“ and Association of researchers „Vladimir Mandic-Manda“.
“CSOnnect” is the programme of support to civil society organisations in Serbia, in the area of the environment, implemented by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (REC), office in Serbia, with financial support of Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
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