“Bees & greens: Evidence-based advocacy for pollinator-friendly best management practices in protected areas of the Green Belt in Serbia” (2022-2024).

An advocacy project of the best management practices that protect pollinators in the protected areas of the Green Belt in Serbia “Bees & Greens” is implemented with the aim of developing recommendations for the protection of pollinators and their important habitats in protected areas in Serbia, based on evidence, through: research, networking of interested parties and creation of a culture of support and understanding for the protection of pollinators in protected areas of Serbia.

The main activities of the project are:

  1. Ecological research conducted with the aim of identifying the diversity of pollinators in different types of habitats in three protected areas in Serbia, their mutual connections, connections with food sources, as well as the identification of the relationship between honey bees and other types of pollinators in the investigated areas;
  2. Developing recommendations for the protection of pollinators in protected areas based on the analysis of strategic documents and the results of scientific research;
  3. Creating a culture of support and understanding for the protection of pollinators in the protected areas of Serbia through a public campaign and the development of a website presentation dedicated to the protection of pollinators in Serbia.

The main target groups of the project are: decision-makers at the national and local level, managers of protected areas, professional and scientific organizations and research institutions, civil society organizations, the media, farmers and their associations.

This project is financed by the European Union and implemented by ORCA within the BESTBelt programme managed by the EuroNatur Foundation from Germany, in the period 2022-2024.

The contents of this page are the sole responsibility of ORCA and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.